Socal Dispute Resolution Center





We have the proven knowledge, experience and motivation
to settle your dispute.



Welcome to the SoCal Dispute Resolution Center. We have the proven knowledge, experience and motivation to settle your dispute.


We have expertise in a wide variety of practice areas, having represented all sides of a dispute, from Fortune 500 companies to individuals, both as plaintiffs and defendants.


Whether you have a dispute that has yet to result in litigation or is on the verge of trial, we can help you. Contact Us for a free consultation.


We would be honored to listen to your situation and offer our advice, whether you retain us or not.

Please feel free to contact us today and arrange for a free consultation to discuss how we can be of service to you.

If you are interested in mediating your dispute but you believe the other side is reluctant, we would be happy to contact them with your permission and speak to them about the potential benefits of mediating the dispute.


Prominent nationwide bank selects Reed Hamzeh to mediate numerous disputes pertaining to real estate litigation, including mortgage default litigation, title disputes, bankruptcy and foreclosure actions with SoCal DRC already settling the first two matters provided to them. SoCal DRC settles first two mediations brought to them and looks forward to settling more. Read More

SoCal DRC settles a four vehicle chain reaction rear-end traffic collision involving subrogation claims by two of the largest insurance companies against the at fault driver whos insurance policy limits exceeded the damages. The case had already been through an unsuccessfully mediation. Read More

SoCal DRC settles two separate actions brought by a bank against borrower that defaulted on mortgage loans that had a second liens on a home that had already been foreclosed upon and sold by the first lien holder. The lender acquired and was assigned the rights to the refinanced loan in a bundle purchase from the original lender. The cases involved numerous complex issues including statute of limitation arguments, liability and damages issues. Read More

SoCal DRC settles an action brought by a buyer against prominent worldwide bank to quiet title and seeking declaratory relief that a home she purchased at a trustee sale (foreclosure sale) was owned free and clear. The bank alleged that the previous seller had a line of credit loan which was not closed and continued to be used after a refinancing occurred which allegedly sought to close the line of credit. Read More

SoCal Dispute Resolution Center settles an personal injury action brought by a plaintiff against the City of Los Angeles when plaintiff moved to avoid a falling tree branch which resulted in him hitting a light pole and suffering injuries. The City denied liability and the extent of the medical bills resulting in the parties being several thousand dollars apart in trying to settle the matter.
To Read Full Length News ReleaseClick Here.


“Reed Hamzeh is a natural. His breadth of experience, empathy, sensitivity and intelligence combine to make him an outstanding mediator.”
— Kenneth Cloke, Center for Dispute Resolution

“Mr. Hamzeh served as our mediator in a complex matter involving several parties and claims, including a wrongful death claim, and millions of dollars at stake. The parties were on the verge of trial and had failed to settle the case with another mediator. Mr. Hamzeh was able to quickly understand the critical facts involved and the parties’ concerns.

He did not hesitate to point out the weaknesses and strengths of the case to both parties and worked with us to reach a settlement within a few hours. Mr. Hamzeh has the expertise, experience and commitment necessary to assist parties reach a fair settlement. I highly recommend Mr. Hamzeh.”
— Juan Torres, Musick, Peeler & Garrett LLP

“I don’t know how you got the Defendant to become realistic and more than double their offer. Needless to say we appreciated your efforts to bring both sides to a fair and realistic settlement. I will be happy to serve as a reference for you, use your services I the future and recommend you to other attorneys.” Read More. — Harold Blaisch

To read more testimonials, Click Here.